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Chocolate Drinks

Grab catering supplies and refreshments including chocolate drinks from Cromwell. We offer a variety of flavours and catering-friendly hot chocolate in bulk-buy tubs, instant sachets and even pre-filled takeaway cups. Choose from favourite brands, like Cadburys®, Nestlé, and Options®.

What are chocolate drinks?

Typically referred to as hot chocolate, drinking chocolate or hot cocoa, chocolate drinks are made from chocolate shavings or cocoa powder added to heated milk or cream, while the instant alternative is made from a dry blend of cocoa powder, milk powder and sugar. If instant hot chocolate wasn't popular enough, chocolate brands have bought their own twist to drinking chocolate to recreate the flavour of favourite chocolate bars in a mug.

Why buy chocolate drinks?

Hot chocolate drinks have long been associated with comfort, and just a quick glance down the drinks aisle in any supermarket will testify to what fans we all are of it. A sachet or tub of hot chocolate brings a touch of luxury to any meeting and is a great alternative for those who don't enjoy tea or coffee. Fans of Aero® or Galaxy® chocolate bars can now indulge in a hot drink of the same flavour from the comfort of their office desk or their favourite chair.

Chocolate drink types

Instant hot chocolate is available in a range of flavours and in different packaging. If you prefer to make guests drinks yourself, a tub of hot chocolate powder may be the best solution, while large meetings may benefit from sachets...

Instant hot chocolate cup drinks   -   A quick and convenient solution to drinks on the go, these prefilled takeaway cups are supplied in sleeves and can be stored for meetings and guests. All that's needed is hot water and a spoon.

Instant hot chocolate sachets   -   Supplied in bulk packs, these sachets are individually sealed for hygiene and are easy to store for meetings.

Instant hot chocolate tubs   -   Ideal for regular use, tubs and jars of instant hot chocolate create less waste and are available in a variety of flavours.

Considerations when choosing chocolate drinks

Packaging - as discussed above, chocolate drinks can be provided in sachets, pre-filled cups, and tubs to suit your catering needs.

Flavour - when catering to large groups it's often a safe bet to provide a plain chocolate flavour.


Is hot chocolate healthier than coffee?

The calories and nutrients from coffee have always been recorded without milk and, as you would expect, hot chocolate is higher in calories than coffee, but lower in caffeine. Coffee without milk contains zero carbs, while dairy-heavy hot chocolate can contain up to 11g of carbohydrates per 100g serving.

Hot chocolate wins in the vitamin stakes though, and contains lots of B vitamins, including B1, B6, and B12. It also contains vitamin C, A, E and vitamin D. Coffee by comparison exceeds hot chocolate in vitamin B3 only.

What are the main variations of hot chocolate?

Hot chocolate is a drink enjoyed around the globe, with each variant reflective of its national origins. Far from the instant 'just add water' versions that a lot of us are used to, the main varieties created using cocoa powder are rich and luxurious:

• Cciocoolata Calda - This Italian variant requires large amounts of cream and milk and includes the addition of corn flour to thicken the mix.

• Mayan hot chocolate - This variation is typically served cold, although there is a hot variety that includes a bit of chilli pepper for added heat.

• Mumbai hot chocolate - This spicy combination contains a blend of spices, including ginger, cinnamon and peppercorns.

• Parisian Chocolat Chaud - This French variation uses up to 70% of cocoa and is made with full-fat milk and cream.

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